Installments represent a significant and growing market opportunity, with the global market value reaching $1.6 trillion in 2020, and growing at a rate of 5% year-over-year. This trend underscores the increasing consumer preference for installment payments, even as overall credit card expenditures declined by 4%.
The launch of Visa Installments on N-Genius Online is a significant milestone that enhances our payment gateway's capabilities and offers substantial benefits to all stakeholders.
Transaction Eligibility: VISA transactions above ~50USD/183AED from participating banks and participating merchants.
Supported Transaction types: Purchase
Region Availability: Currently available only in UAE for all AED transactions.
Technical Availability: This is available via all our integration methods.
Hosted Payment Page: Doesn't require any development or integration changes. Once the merchant has signed up and activated VISA Installments, it will work automatically.
Web SDK: Click hereto access the integration guide.
Direct API: Click here to access the integration guide.