Order Status
N-Genius Online offers the feature to mark your orders as either Collected or Not Collected by once payment is completed through the N-Genius Online portal or via direct API integration. This allows your shoppers to conveniently purchase items and pick them up at a more convenient store location. Shoppers can use your app or web store on their mobile device to place an order and then collect it in person. By enabling purchases in one channel and collection in another, you can expand your business and enjoy benefits such as increased basket value, reduced logistics costs, quicker order processing, higher customer satisfaction, faster availability, and secure payment options.
Note: To use the Order Status functionality in N-Genius Online, please speak with your relationship manager or a member of our support team, to enable this service for your account.
Log in to the portal, then find and open the order which shopper wants to collect from you (making sure if the full amount has been captured, and the payment was successfully received).
Check the “Update Collection Status” check box while handing over the goods/services to your shopper.
Once you tick the check box, a confirmation messaged will be displayed. You should click “OK” to confirm the handover of the goods/services to your shopper, or “Cancel” if you don’t want to proceed.

If you click “OK”, the “Update Collection Status” check box will be marked, and you will briefly see a banner notification at the top of the screen, confirming this. Refresh the page to see the updated information.
If you want to change the order collection changes at any point in future, uncheck/check the “Update Collect Status” and click “OK” to revert the changes, or click “Cancel” if you don’t want to make any changes.
If you would like to see a history of the order collection status updates, there are two ways to do this:
1. Via the Order Information screen:
Find the required order from the Order List screen, open it, then expand the order information and refer to the Collection Status fields.
In same page expand the History and you will see a record of each time the order collection status was updated.
2. Via the downloadable reports
Click on "Generate" once you have selected your filters and then the report will appear in the download queue with a "Pending" status.
Once the report is downloaded you will receive an email notification and you can return to the portal do download the report by clicking on the download button
If you open the downloaded excel you will see records with the order collection statuses.
Updated 4 months ago