Customer Shopping and Payment Page Redirection
When the customer is doing online shopping on the merchant’s website, the “N-Genius Online” Payment Gateway will now be available as a payment option on the “Checkout” Page.
To check this, please follow these steps...
- Open the Shopify Website and add some items to the cart. Click on the Checkout Button and follow the steps in the Checkout process.
- Continue with the checkout process. You will notice that N-Genius is available as a payment option. Click Pay Now to be redirected to the Payment Page.
The page will then be redirected to the “N-Genius Payment Page”. Fill in the card details. After submitting the details, the page will be redirected to a 3D Secure page.
- Once the payment is processed, your browser will be redirected back to the Shopify Website.
- To view the test order you just placed, go to the Shopify Admin Panel, then click Orders and select the Order.
• When viewing the order, you will be able to Void (Labelled Refund. This will change to Void in the future) the transaction if the transaction type was Authorize
• When viewing the order, you will be able to Refund the transaction after 24 hours if the transaction type was Sale or Purchase.
- To Refund an Order, Go to Orders and click on the order you’d like to Refund. Once the order is displayed, click the Refund button. Select the number of items you’d like to refund and Click Refund. The status of the order will change to Refunded. If you’d like to process a Partial Refund, you can just enter the amount you would like to Refund and then click the Refund button.
- To Void an order, Go to Orders and click on the order you’d like to Void (Auth Reversal) Click Refund (Labelled Refund. This will change to Void in the future). The transaction will now be reversed.
Please note that you can only Void a transaction if the payment action was Authorize.
Updated 10 months ago