Know Your Shopper
Know your shopper allows merchants to get and have a more consumable view of their shoppers representing the data available within N-Genius Online today in a more consumable format. These enhanced dashboards are a navigation system to unveil the secrets of shopper behavior which facilitates merchants to understand their shoppers base and allow them to make decisions based on the information which exists in N-Genius Online.
Note: To utilize the Know your shopper functionality in N-Genius Online, please speak with your relationship manager or a member of our support team, to enable this service for your account.
Navigation to Enhanced dashboards:
- Log in to the portal and switch to Summary tab, then you will be able to see New filter “Channel” and New pie charts “Orders by Shopper IP country”, “Orders by Country of Issue”, “Order by Shopper Type” as highlighted in below screenshot.
- If you click on the title of the pie chart, then a right panel will open showing breakdown information of that pie chart.
- Updates on the Pie charts applied for every hour meaning whatever happens on the transactions will be updated on pie charts after an hour.
- If you are a mobile SDK user who would like to see your shopper Ip information, then you need to update your SDK.
- If you are a Direct API user who would like to see your shopper Ip information, then you need to make updates in your APIs and forward the shopper Ip to Gateway. Click the link for more details
- If you are not sending the IP information, then Pie chart will show "Not Available".
- For all the old orders before enablement of Know your shopper, order details will show blank for "Shopper Type" and "Shopper IP Country".
- All the new information will be displayed only if you have Know your shopper enabled for your accounts.
Details of each pie chart:
Shopper IP country: This gives you information on origination of Orders. The below screenshot shows that 72.84% orders have been originated from United Arab Emirates and 27.16% is from India.
Once you click on title of Orders by Shopper IP country pie chart then Right panel will open with breakdown of the pie chart as shown below. Here it shows information based on each outlet. Example: In OUTLET C, 100% of orders originated from United Arab Emirates and total number of orders count is 8 and similarly for each outlet calculated.
Shopper Type: This gives you information on Shopper type meaning if the shopper is New or repeated customer. The below screenshot shows that 72.84% of orders are created by new shoppers and 27.16% of orders are created by repeated shopper.
Once you click on title of Orders by Shopper Type pie chart then Right panel will open with breakdown of the pie chart as shown below. Here it shows information based on each outlet. Example: In OUTLET C, 87.5% of orders are created by repeated shoppers and total number of orders count is 7, 12.5% of orders are created by new shoppers and total number of orders count is 1 and similarly for each outlet calculated.
Country of Issue: This gives you information on card used by shopper during the transactions. The below screenshot shows that United States is the card issuer country for 70.37% of orders, Czech Republic is card issuer country for 6.17% of orders and so on.
Once you click on title of Orders by country of issue pie chart then Right panel will open with breakdown of the pie chart as shown below. Here it shows information based on each outlet. Example: In OUTLET C, United States is card issuer country for 75% of orders and total number of orders count is 6 and similarly for each outlet calculated.
Viewing the details on a transaction level
- Via the Order Information screen: Navigate to Order List screen, open any order, then expand the order information and refer to the “Customer payment details” section. You can be able to see the new information Country of issue, Shopper IP country and Shopper type as highlighted below.
- Via the downloadable reports from Summary tab, Orders tab and Reports tab:
- Download reports from Summary tab: Switch to Summary tab, once you click on title of pie chart then Right panel will open with breakdown of the pie chart with download button as shown below. If you click on that button and download button background fully becomes red, then report will download to your local system.
- Download reports from Orders tab: Switch to Orders tab, once you click on download button as shown below and the background of button fully becomes red, then report will download to your local system.
- Download reports from Reports tab: Click on "Generate" after selecting your desired filters. The report will appear in the download queue with a "Pending" status.
Once the report is downloaded you will receive an email notification. Return to the portal and click on the download button to access the report.
If you open any of the downloaded report files, it will include new fields, Country of issue, Shopper IP country and Shopper type as highlighted below.
NOTE: Please be informed that you will be able to see above additional columns if you have “Know your shopper” is turned ON or your account hence there will be Changes on report structure and you should make necessary changes to your current reporting tools if you have anything in place already.
Updated about 1 year ago