OpenCart 4

OpenCart is an easy to-use yet powerful open-source online store management program that can manage multiple virtual shops from a single back-end – it can be downloaded and updated free of cost, and with no monthly fees.
It offers users built-in SEO and efficient management of customers, products, coupon codes, tax rules, orders, and more.
You can learn more about OpenCart here.

Abandoned Orders Feature
We’ve added the Abandoned Orders feature to our OpenCart plugin. What this means is that for any orders that your customers do not complete (Abandon) i.e. Customer gets onto the pay page and then decides to close the browser window thus leaving the transaction in an open status, we would automatically send a request to cancel the order and update the order with a closed status.
More information on the feature can be found here
OpenCart needs the following server configuration to run:
• PHP 8.0 or later
• Curl
• GD Library
• Iconv
• Mbstring
• OpenSSL Encrypt
• ZipArchive
• Zlib
Additionally, you will want to turn on the following PHP settings:
• file_uploads
• magic_quotes_gpc
• register_globals
• session_auto_start
More on system requirements can be found here
The latest version of the plugin can be downloaded here
- Login to OpenCart Admin Panel
- Navigate to Extensions. Under Extensions, click on Installer and then click on the Upload button
- Select the OpenCart ZIP file. Once selected, the plugin will be installed and a success message will be displayed.
- Click on Extensions and select Payments from the drop-down menu
- Scroll down to the N-Genius Payment Gateway plug-in entry and click on the configure button (this will look like a pencil icon).

- Status: Enable/Disable plugin
- Title: Text to display in the front-end
- Environment: Sandbox/Live
- Payment Action: Authorize/Sale/Purchase
- Sandbox/Live API URL – Default URLs pre-loaded. For Partners - Enter URLs provided by the Bank
- Outlet Reference ID: Provided by NI/Partner. Currency & ID should match the environment selected
- Add Additional Outlet Reference ID’s: Additional Currencies can be configured if provided by NI/Bank
- Hosted Payment Page API Key: API Key should match the environment selected.
- HTTP Version - Select the HTTP Version compatible with your server
- Debug: Select Yes or No
- Debug Cron - Select Yes or No
Customer Shopping and Payment Page Redirection
When the customer is doing online shopping on the merchant’s website, the “N-Genius Online” Payment Gateway will now be available as a payment option on the “Checkout” Page.
To check this, please follow these steps...
- Open the OpenCart Website and add some items to the cart. Click on the Checkout button and follow the steps in the Checkout process
- Continue with the checkout process. You will notice that N-Genius Online Payment Gateway is available as a payment option. Select the Payment Option and accept T’s & C’s and then click Continue & confirm the order to be redirected to the Payment Page.
The page will then be redirected to the “N-Genius Payment Page”. Fill in the card details. After submitting the details, the page will be redirected to a 3D Secure page.
- Once the payment is processed, your browser will be redirected back to the OpenCart Website.
- To view the test order you just placed, go to the OpenCart Admin Panel, then click Sales and select Orders
- When viewing the order, you will be able to Void the transaction if the transaction type was Authorize
- When viewing the order, you will be able to Fully Capture the transaction if the transaction type is Authorize
- When viewing the order, you will be able to Refund the transaction after 24 hours if the transaction type was Sale or Purchase.
- To Refund an Order, Go to Sales > Orders and then click View on the order you’d like to Refund. Once the order is displayed, scroll down to Order History and click on N-Genius Online Payment Gateway. Enter the amount you’d like to refund and click the Refund button. The status of the order will change to Fully Refunded. If you’d like to process a partial refund, you can enter the amount you would like to refund and then click the Refund button. Please note that the status of the order needs to be N-Genius Complete in order to process a refund.
- To Void or Capture an Order, Go to Sales > Orders and then click View on the order you’d like to void (authorization reversal) or capture. Once the order is displayed, scroll down to Order History and click on N-Genius Online Payment Gateway. Click Void. A pop-up box will be displayed to confirm the void. Click OK. The transaction will now be reversed. Please note that you can only void a transaction if the transaction has a transaction status ‘N-Genius Authorized’.
To capture a transaction, click Capture. A pop-up box will be displayed to confirm the capture. The transaction status will change to N-Genius Complete. Please note that you can only capture a transaction if the transaction has a transaction status ‘N-Genius Authorized’
GitHub Notifications
To receive notifications when any Network International plugin versioning or new plugin has been released, you will need to follow the below steps:
- Create an account on GitHub here
- Once your account is created, click on this link which will take you directly to the Network International repository.
- Click follow. You will start receiving updates when new/updated plugins have been released
- Once in the network-international repository, scroll down or search for the plugin that you would like to be notified on.
- Once the plugin is found, go into the repository, and click Watch. You will now receive all notifications for the plugin.
- You can also use Custom notification settings by clicking on the down arrow if you would like to be notified of certain events
- If you receive the below error, please check if you have the correct API URL loaded
- If you receive the below error, please check if you have the correct Environment, API Key or Outlet ID loaded
- If you receive the below error, the currency is not linked/loaded to the Outlet ID
- If you receive the below error, the plugin hasn’t been configured. Please check that all fields are configured
Updated about 1 month ago