Risk rules

The Risk Rules screen is where currency and payment restrictions are viewed and set.
The risk rules are editable by a Merchant Admin if they have permission. They will not be able to override selections made by Users with higher permission than them.
Open the Risk Rules screen
- Select the Settings option from the top Main menu bar. The Settings menu bar displays, with the Users page open by default.
- Click on the Risk Rules menu item. The Risk Rules screen displays.
Set Currency Limits
The Set currency limit section of the Risk Rules screen displays a list of the currencies the payment gateway uses, and the maximum transaction amount allowed for each currency.
This amount can be edited by a Merchant Admin to lower than the original limit, but cannot be set higher.
Note: Only AED (Emirati Dirham) are currently available. In future releases, more currencies will be available.
- Select the Settings option from the top Main menu bar. The Settings menu bar displays.
- Select the Risk Rules menu option. The Risk Rules screen displays.
- Click on the
Edit icon in the Set currency limit section. A Set currency limits slide-out box reveals.
- Type over the new limit you want in the appropriate currency field.
- Click the the OK button. The Set currency limits box retracts and the edited currency limit displays in the list.
A “Risk rules updated” confirmation message displays below the Settings menu bar.
Enable Corporate Card Payments
The Enable corporate card payments section of the Risk Rules screen displays whether corporate card transactions are permitted.
This option is editable by a Merchant Admin if they have permission. They will not be able to override selections made by Users with higher permission than them.
- If you are not already at the Risk Rules screen, select the Settings option from the top Main menu bar. The Settings menu bar displays.
- Select the Risk Rules menu option. The Risk Rules screen displays.
- In the Enable corporate card payments section, click on the ON/OFF slide button to move it to the option you want.
The new option displays, and a “Risk rules updated” confirmation message displays below the Settings menu bar.
Tip: An empty slide button is OFF A dark slide button is
Country BIN Blacklist
The Country BIN Blacklist section of the Risk Rules screen displays the numbers of countries with banned bank identification numbers (BIN). Transactions processed with cards containing these BIN will be refused.
The individual countries are listed on the Country BIN blacklist page.
The blacklist can be edited by a Merchant Admin if they have permission. They will not be able to override selections made by Users with higher permission.
Add Country to Country BIN Blacklist
- Click the Add button on the Country BIN blacklist page. An Add country BIN slide-out box reveals.
- Click on the
Open icon beside the Countries selected field. The dropdown list of available countries opens.
- Do you want to search for the country you want?
If yes, click in theSearch field to activate it. Go to step 4.
If no, go to step 5. - Type in the beginning of the name of the country. The results that match the text display in the dropdown field below. The results become more specific the more text is entered.
- To select:
- a single country, click on the country name.
- more than one country, hold down the CTRL button and click on the name of the countries you want.
As you select the countries, the number chosen displays in the Countries selected field.
- Click the OK button when you have finished. The Add country BIN box retracts and the country displays in the list.
- A "Country added to blacklist" confirmation message displays under the Settings menu bar.
To return to the Risk Rules screen, click the Risk Rules link at the top left of the page.
Delete Country from Country BIN Blacklist
- Click on the
Delete icon beside the country you want to delete, on the Country BIN blacklist page. A Delete country confirmation box displays.
- Click the OK button. The country is removed from the blacklist.
- A "Country deleted from blacklist" confirmation message displays under the Settings menu.
To return to the Risk Rules screen, click the Risk Rules link at the top left of the page.
PAN Blacklist & Whitelist
The PAN Blacklist and Whitelist section of the Risk Rules screen displays the number of accounts with banned or permitted Permanent Account Numbers (PAN).
Transactions processed with blacklisted cards will be refused. Transactions processed with whitelisted cards will be permitted.
The individual PAN numbers are listed on the PAN blacklist & whitelist page.
The blacklist and whitelist are editable by a Merchant Admin if they have permission. They will not be able to override selections made by Users with higher permission.
The whitelist takes precedence over the blacklist. If a PAN is whitelisted by a User with higher permission, any transactions for that PAN will be actioned, even if it has been blacklisted by a User with lower permission.
Search for PAN Number
To check if a PAN number is included in the blacklist or whitelist, you can search the appropriate list.
- If it is not displayed, click on the PAN Whitelist or PAN Blacklist tab header to display the list you want to search.
- Click in the
Search field to activate it.
- Type in the PAN number you want to find. The full 16-digit number must be entered.
- Click on the
Search icon. If there is an available match, it will display in the list.
Add PAN Number to Blacklist or Whitelist
- Click the Add button on the PAN blacklist & whitelist page. An Add PAN number slide-out box reveals.
- Type the number you want to add in the PAN number field.
- Click on the Open icon beside the Add to field.
A dropdown list opens, displaying Blacklist and Whitelist options. The system defaults to listing the tab it is on for the Add to field. - Select the Blacklist or Whitelist option. This option now displays in the Add to field.
- Click the Add button. The Add PAN number box retracts and the PAN number displays in the selected list on the appropriate tab.
- A "PAN added to blacklist/whitelist" confirmation message displays under the Settings menu bar.
To return to the Risk Rules screen, click the Risk Rules link at the top left of the page.
Note: The PAN number must be a 16-digit number. If you type an incorrect entry, such as a short number or including characters, an error message reading “There was an error while performing action” displays below the Settings menu bar. Retry with a correct number.
Delete PAN Number from Blacklist or Whitelist
- Click on the PAN whitelist or the PAN blacklist tab header on the PAN blacklist & whitelist page, to display the list you want.
- Click on the
Delete icon beside the PAN number you want to delete from the list.
A Delete number confirmation box displays, asking you to confirm you want to delete the number. - Click the OK button. The number is removed from the list.
A "User has been deleted" confirmation message displays under the Settings menu.
Note: If the number has been assigned to the blacklist/whitelist by a User with greater permission than you, you won’t be able to remove it. A “You do not have permission to remove this item. For more information contact your organisation’s Administrator.” error message displays below the Settings menu bar.
- To return to the Risk Rules screen, click the
Risk Rules link at the top left of the page.
Enable Payments Received Outside GCC Region
The Enable payments received outside GCC region section of the Risk Rules screen displays whether you receive or refuse cards from outside the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region.
This option is editable by the Merchant Admin if they have permission.
If you are not already at the Risk Rules page, select the Settings option from the top Main menu bar. The Settings menu bar displays.
Select the Risk Rules menu option. The Risk Rules page displays.
In the Enable payments received outside GCC region section, click on the ON/OFF slide button to move it to the option you want.
The new option displays, and a “Risk rules updated” message displays below the Settings menu bar.
Tip: An empty slide button is OFF A dark slide button is
Email Address and Domain Blacklist
The Email Address and Domain Blacklist section of the Risk Rules screen displays the number of email addresses and domains that have been banned. Transactions processed containing these details will be refused.
The individual email addresses and domain names are listed on the Email and domain blacklist page.
The blacklist can be added to and deleted from by a Merchant Admin if they have permission. They will not be able to override selections made by Users with higher permission.
Search for Address or Domain
To check if an email address or domain is included in the blacklist, you can search the appropriate list.
Click on the Email addresses or the Domains tab header on the Email and domain blacklist page, to display the option list you want to search.
Click in the Search field to activate it.
Type in the email or domain you want to find. The full email address or domain name must be entered.
Click on the Search icon. If there is an available match, it will display in the list.
Add Address or Domain to Blacklist
- Click the Add button on the Email and domain blacklist page. An Add email or domain to blacklist slide-out box reveals.
- Click on the
Open icon beside the Add to field.
A dropdown list opens, displaying Email and Domain options. The system defaults to listing the tab it is on for the Add to field. - Select the Email or Domain option. This option now displays in the Add to field.
- Type the email or domain name in the Add email address/domain field.
- Click the OK button when you have finished. The Add email or domain to blacklist box retracts and the email or domain displays in the list on the appropriate tab.
A "Email/Domain added to blacklist" confirmation message displays under the Settings menu bar. - To return to the Risk Rules screen, click the Risk Rules link at the top left of the page.
Delete Address or Domain from Blacklist
- Click on the Email addresses or the Domains tab header on the Email and domain blacklist page, to display the option list you want.
- Click on the
Delete icon beside the email or domain you want to delete. A Delete email/domain confirmation box displays.
- Click the OK button. The email or domain is removed from the blacklist.
- An "Email/Domain deleted from blacklist" confirmation message displays under the Settings menu.
To return to the Risk Rules screen, click the Risk Rules link at the top left of the page.
BIN Blacklist
The BIN Blacklist section of the Risk Rules screen displays the number of banned bank identification numbers (BIN). Transactions processed with cards containing these BIN will be refused.
The individual BIN numbers are listed on the BIN range blacklist page.
The blacklist can be added to and deleted from by a Merchant Admin if they have permission. They will not be able to override selections made by Users with higher permission.
Add BIN numbers to BIN Blacklist
- Click the Add button on the BIN ranges blacklist page. An Add BIN range slide-out box reveals.
- Type the start of the number in the Range start field.
- Type the end of the number in the Range end field.
If it is only one BIN number, type the same number in both fields. - Click the OK button. The Add BIN range box retracts and the number displays in the list.
A "BIN added to blacklist" confirmation message displays under the Settings menu bar. - To return to the Risk Rules screen, click the Risk Rules link at the top left of the page.
Note: The BIN number must be a 6-digit number. If you type an incorrect entry, such as a short number or including characters, a “There was an error while performing action” error message displays below the Settings menu bar. Retry with a correct number.
Delete BIN numbers from BIN Blacklist
- Click on the
Delete icon beside the BIN you want to delete from the list on the BIN ranges blacklist page. A Delete BIN confirmation box displays.
- Click the OK button. The BIN number is removed from the blacklist.
A "BIN has been deleted from blacklist" confirmation message displays under the Settings menu. - To return to the Risk Rules screen, click the Risk Rules link at the top left of the page.
Updated 9 months ago